Elizabeth Cunningham

Author of The Maeve Chronicles

Chanukah begins at sundown on December 1, the beginning of what I call the Feasts of Light, the observances and celebrations that carry us through the darkest time of the year.

I am sure I am not the only one to note the coincidence of the recent WikiLeaks happening this same week, leaks that “bring to light” what people in power had every intention of keeping dark. Whatever havoc the revelations may wreak, and however questionable a character Julian Assange may be, I doubtless join many in believing this exposure of secrets is a good thing. What is revealed has a chance, at least, to be healed.

I confess I have fallen out of the blogosphere recently, because I find it daunting to be topical, to make intelligent, inspiring or thoughtful commentary on events I can barely keep up with. I comfort myself that I am doing what I can to save the earth—a particular bit of earth called High Valley. But I admit that though I sign petitions and call representatives on this and that, it is easy to lose sight of the rest of the world.

Today I committed to participation in Amnesty International’s Write for Rights December 4-12 writeathon. Their site provides you with all the information you need for writing letters on your own or for organizing a letter writing event.

The Write for Rights campaign is way of bringing to light the suffering of individuals, groups, and communities, suffering that may be unknown to many or deliberately distorted or obscured by those in power. It strikes me as a fitting way to honor this season.

Joyous Feasts of Light to all!

3 Responses

  1. Maeve speaking. I will help Eliz decide which letter(s) to write and lend my own passion and experience.

    Speaking of Feasts of Light, we plan to complete my story on Winter Solstice. I like the suggestion made in a comment on the last blog that perhaps I am headed for the big screen next. Bring it on!

    Eliz also noted the suggestion of a possible subject for her next book. She is grateful.

  2. Here is a warning, however. Elizabeth's computer did not pick this up, but when I went to the Amnesty site, Google warned me that it was an "Attack Site," because they had found some malicious software on one of the pages they scanned on 12/2/10; it attached itself to their computer without their consent.

    However, I'll vouch for Amnesty; it's a good program, and their letter writing program is highly effective. I only hope they fix the malware, which was probably put there by someone trying to sabotage that very campaign.

    I'd check with a screen first, before going onto the site. I will, certainly, but I'll try again because it is such a worthwhile program; I've participated in it before.

    Persist and bring light to the afflicted.