Author of The Maeve Chronicles

A letter from Elizabeth


Dear Readers — Longtime and New,

Thank you for your presence here, and thank you for bringing my books to life by making them part of your lives. Writing a story is only the beginning. Reading is a creative act. Each reading gives new meaning to a story’s ongoing life. I am grateful to you all.

The daughter of an Episcopal priest, I grew up steeped in biblical stories. I am also the daughter of a mother who loved to read aloud to her children—fairytales, mythologies, the children’s novels of E. Nesbit and C.S. Lewis to name a few. Next door to the church was an abandoned, overgrown estate that I knew was enchanted. Stepping over a gap in a stone wall from one world to another is a primary experience that informs all my work: fiction, poetry, and my only work of nonfiction, My Life as a Prayer.

In 2024, I reissued Murder at the Rummage Sale, set in the time and place of my childhood, and All the Perils of This Night, a standalone sequel that follows the characters eight years later as they brave the dangers of a different world. In July, 2025 look for Over the Edge of this World, a Fairytale Novel, featuring four elemental grannies.

I am happy to report that The Maeve Chronicles, The Wild Mother, The Return of the Goddess, How to Spin Gold, My Life as a Prayer, and my poem collection, Tell Me the Story Again, all remain in print. (See the Books Page.)

As a novelist, I have always lived a double life, one in the stories, one in the world, each one affecting the other. In the world, I am married, have grown children, am growing old. For many years I facilitated celebrations and other gatherings at the former Center at High Valley. Ordained an interfaith minister and counselor, I have been in private practice for over twenty-five years, now semi-retired.

My husband Douglas and I have completed our move from the  “happy hermitage” to “the cozy cave of many colors,” a townhouse in Briarwood Court—an address evocative of fairytales! I am at work on a collection of new and selected poems while I gestate what I hope will be a new novel.

Thank you again, dear readers, for visiting this site. Do sign up for the mailing list if you would like to receive my not-at-all frequent newsletters. I wish you the best in all your work—and play!

Blessed Bees and other pollinators!


Elizabeth Cunningham