Let’s talk about music…

Music is a key element to the plot of All the Perils of This Night. Katherine grows up singing in the church choir under the tutelage of the fiery Miss […]
Soulkiss: “the touch of spirit on the body”
Sometimes I wonder about the first human note ever sung. Did it come from one throat or from many? Was the first song a lullaby, a lament, a hymn of […]
The Glorious Mother of the Stars
Solstice News: My album MaevenSong is scheduled for delivery today! The first sung notes are: “This story begins in the night. There will be a dawn, I promise.” The last: […]
Who Died for What Sin? Theology with Maeve
It is my turn this week. But before I begin to put my foot in my mouth (at least theologically) Elizabeth asked me to thank everyone who responded to her […]
Recording MaevenSong
A few months ago Tim Dillinger www.timdillinger.com announced to me: We are going to Nashville to record your album. It sounded natural and inevitable. Though I am not a professional […]
Nashville here we come: words, music, mystery
Maeve thanks everyone for their enthsiastic response to her blog. She will be back, and she will address all suggested topics including shamelessness and another topic that is a too […]